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The 9 steps of proper hand washing

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it's taught us that hand hygiene is an  incredibly important measure to reduce the risk of transmitting harmful viruses and bacterias from person to person. Handwashing with soap removes germs from hands. This helps prevent infections because people frequently touch their eyes, nose, and mouth without even realising it. Germs can get into the body through the eyes, nose and mouth and this is what causes sickness. Studies have shown that regular handwashing using soap can reduce the risk of catching Covid-19 by up to 36%

Hand sanitisers offer an extra layer of hygiene but handwashing with soap is often considered the easiest, most effective and affordable. However, for some people, this simply isn’t true. During the pandemic, 2.3 billion people worldwide did not have access to a hand hygiene facility in their homes, leaving them at risk of COVID-19 and other infections because they could not wash their hands. 

By 2030, it’s predicted that 78% of people will have access, leaving approximately 1.9 billion people unable to do something most of us take for granted. Furthermore, many households that do have access to soap often use it for laundry, dishwashing or bathing rather than handwashing. In the current climate, without better education and greater access, that could be disastrous.

To reduce the spread of germs and risk of illness transmission,  regular handwashing, especially before and after the below activities, is crucial:- 

  • before eating and cooking
  • after using the bathroom
  • after cleaning around the house
  • after touching animals, including family pets
  • before and after visiting or taking care of any sick friends or relatives
  • after blowing one's nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • after being outside (playing, gardening, walking the dog, etc.)

Initial Hygiene has prepared a handy guide share with you the nine effective steps you should take to ensure perfect hand hygiene


Hand washing steps

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Initial supplies and services a wide range of soaps, sanitisers and sanitiser stand equipment. Get in touch today on 0800 736 865 or contact us here for free, no obligation assessment of your current clinical and medical waste processes.

Hand hygiene

Hand hygiene is more important than ever before. Initial supports a wide range of soap and sanitiser solutions to suit all industries.Hand hygiene is more important than ever before. Initial supports a wide range of soap and sanitiser solutions to suit all industries.

  • Highly effective at reducing transmission of bacterias and viruses
  • Cost effective with a range of soaps and sanitiser to suit multiple preferences
  • Non alcohol based solutions available
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