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Washroom Deep Cleaning

An intensive washroom cleaning service that penetrates hidden areas where regular cleaning cannot reach to restore your washroom to a cleaner state

Why Washroom Deep Cleaning?

Flushing rims, fittings and surrounding areas of the toilet cubicles are exposed to continuous deposits of faecal matter and other harmful bacteria. This build-up creates an environment in which bacteria and other pathogenic organisms can flourish. Toilet users who come into contact with these organisms are at risk of illnesses such as gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections and the common cold.

Hence, it is important to give your toilets and urinals a proper comprehensive cleaning to instil confidence in your visitors and employees, allowing them to feel truly at ease when using your washroom.

Initial Washroom Deep Cleaning Service

Our intensive toilet cleaning service ensures your washroom’s toilet bowl, urinals, flush and sinks achieve a cleaner and brighter appearance. Here are the features of Initial Deep Cleaning services: 

Detailed Coverage

Reaches into every hard to reach area for deeper cleaning.

Effective Removal

Eliminates encrustations, mildew, and accumulated dirt.

Enhanced Air Quality

Improves air quality and removes odours in the treated premises.

Environmentally Friendly

Sustainable methods to eliminate harmful pathogens and more.

Before And After Toilet Deep Cleaning Services

deep cleaning

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How Initial Washroom Deep Cleaning Service Works:

Other Hygiene Services You Might Need

Inspect and remove mould problems to reduce health risks

Reduce slips, trips and fall in the washroom to safeguard your visitors

Automated and colourful hygiene units to impress your guests