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Initial Floor Mat Service

We provide a wide variety of floor mat solutions that cater best for your specific business needs to achieve excellent hygiene levels and safety on your premises for you and your visitors.

Floor Mat Service For Busines

Elevate the cleanliness and safety of your premises with Initial high-quality floor mat solutions. We provide various types of floor mat services that specifically cater to your business’s needs to maximise high-level hygiene and safety on your premises. Moreover, our Floor Mat service includes scheduled maintenance, cleaning and laundering each soiled mats.

Initial’s range of floor mats

Dust control mat

Absorbs dirt and water to reduce slipping hazards while creating a clean and professional environment

Safety mat

Prevent slipping hazards in wet and greasy environment as well as suitable for prolonged period of standing

High-performance mats with monofilament to scrape dirts powerfully and has water absorption feature

Welcome mat

Welcome visitors and staff with high water and dirt-absorbent floor mats to make good first impression

Logo mat

Customised logo mat which also serves as a welcome mat to promote your brand message and image

Disinfectant mat

Help to sanitise your shoes soles to prevent the spread of germs before entering your premises

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Automated and colourful hygiene units to impress your guests

Dispose sanitary pads hygienically and discreetly

Remove germs and bacteria off the toilet seats